Ajax contorl toolkit Slider Demonstration

Slider Demonstration
Horizontal Slider ranging from -100 to +100 with 5 discrete values (5 steps), bound to a Label control. Changing the value will cause the Slider to trigger an update of the UpdatePanel that displays the current date and time.
Vertical Slider ranging from 0 to 100, bound to a TextBox. Clicking on the rail will cause the handle to slide with a nice animation effect.
Slider instance that is accessible. Its borders allow the slider's rail to be distinguished in high contrast mode. The TooltipText property on the slider's handle indicates the current value of the slider and what is actionable for the user when focus is set on that image. The value of the slider can be changed using the bound textbox so that it is completely usable without a mouse. Keyboard support for the Slider's handle is not in yet but will be available in the later Toolkit releases.
Slider instance using a decimal range from 0.1 to 1.0.
Slider Description

The Slider extender allows to upgrade an asp:TextBox to a graphical slider that allows the user to choose a numeric value from a finite range. The Slider's orientation can be horizontal or vertical and it can also act as a "discrete" slider, allowing only a specified number of values within its range.

If the developer doesn't specify any parameters, the Slider is rendered with the default layout shown in the demonstration and its range of values goes from 0 to 100. The Slider's layout can be customized by providing CSS classes for the Slider's rail and handle. If handle animation is enabled, the handle slides to the specified point on the rail with a nice animation effect.

When a value is chosen using the Slider, it is automatically persisted during full or partial postbacks. The developer can continue to reference the asp:TextBox to get and set the Slider's value.

The Slider's value can be dynamically displayed in another asp:TextBox or an asp:Label. If a TextBox is used, the Slider's value can be updated through the bound TextBox.

By declaring the extended TextBox as a trigger for an UpdatePanel, the Slider can fire the update whenever the handle is released. By setting the RaiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp to false, the update will be fired as soon as the Slider's value changes.

The TooltipText property allows to display some text when the mouse pointer hovers the slider's handle. A {0} placeholder in the text is replaced by the current value of the slider.

Slider Properties

The controls above are initialized with this code. The italic properties are optional:

<ajaxToolkit:SliderExtender ID="SliderExtender1" runat="server"
    Steps="5" />
<ajaxToolkit:SliderExtender ID="SliderExtender2" runat="server"
    EnableHandleAnimation="true" />
  • Minimum - Minimum value allowed.
  • Maximum - Maximum value allowed.
  • Decimals - Number of decimal digits for the value.
  • Steps - Number of discrete values inside the slider's range.
  • Value - Current value of the slider
  • EnableHandleAnimation - Enable/disable the handle animation.
  • HandleAnimationDuration - Duration of the handle animation, in milliseconds.
  • RailCssClass - CSS class for the slider's rail.
  • HandleCssClass - CSS class for the slider's handle.
  • HandleImageURL - URL of the image to display as the slider's handle.
  • Length - Width/height of a horizontal/vertical slider when the default layout is used.
  • BoundControlID - ID of the TextBox or Label that dynamically displays the slider's value.
  • RaiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp - If true, fires the change event on the extended TextBox only when the left mouse button is released.
  • TooltipText - Text to display in a tooltip when the handle is hovered. The {0} placeholder in the text is replaced with the current value of the slider.
Slider Tips
  • TextBox visibility. The asp:TextBox that the Slider is upgrading will be visible during the page loading, so it is usable if JavaScript is not enabled on the browser. Depending on your requirements, you can prevent the asp:TextBox from being visible by setting its display mode to "none".
  • Inline - Block. While the TextBox is rendered as an inline element, the Slider will be rendered as a block element. Consider using floats or a table when designing that portion of layout. The CSS inline-block display mode is not supported by Internet Explorer 6.
  • CSS. When using custom CSS classes for the Slider's rail and handle, it's recommended to specify positioning. The rail should have position:relative while the handle should have position:absolute.
    If a CSS class for the slider's rail is provided, the developer can choose to provide a CSS class for the handle or the URL to an image to display as the handle.
    Borders should be added to a wrapping <div>.

Ajax control toolkit Slider example with demo in asp .net

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